Quốc gia
Tham luận nghiên cứu báo cáo
Diễn giả, Chuyên gia, Nhà nghiên cứu
Trường Đại học

Các chủ đề nội dung chính hội nghị

The VMA Academic Council Members 
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The VMA Academic Council is a 20+ member council that represents the diversity of scholarly interests in managerial, behavioral, modeling, and public policy perspectives with attention to strategic marketing implications. The VMA strives to be the most relevant force and voice shaping marketing around Vietnam, region and the world; an essential community for marketers.

In support of that mission, the VMA Academic Council advocates for the VMA academic membership and provides networking of Academic special Interest Groups, events, and related initiatives. ( nội dung gợi mở hoạt động của VMAAC ).

Đồng Chủ tịch – Hội đồng Học thuật

Co-Chair of The VMA Academic Council

Phó Chủ tịch – Hội đồng Học thuật

Vice President of The VMA Academic Council